Welcome to X-Cooling

Competence in wet cooling. Since 1920

No industry without cooling. No sustainability without plant efficiency. The efficient use of process heat is one of the challenges facing value-adding companies. We can look back on over a hundred years of expertise in the construction and maintenance of wet cooling systems.

Our company has its roots in the technology leaders in cooling tower construction: GEA, Balcke-Dürr and Hamon. With this history, we live and breathe plant construction, maintenance and optimisation of cooling systems in all its facets. Regardless of whether it is a new system or a manufacturer-independent refurbishment.

Our mission is to maximise system availability while at the same time ensuring cost and energy efficiency. As the market leader, we understand your needs and do everything we can to develop customised solutions. And we live this from generation to generation.

Registered Office: Gewerbestr. 13f, 44866 Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany
Phone +49 2327 69806 00, x-cooling.de
Court of Registraton: Amtsgericht München, HRB 291760
Management Board: Frank Vigano
VAT ID No.: DE368725978
Tax No.: 350/5734/1315 FA Bochum-Süd
National-Bank IBAN: DE60 3602 0030 0103 2858 22
